School Information


School Hours

The school day begins at 8:45 a.m. with morning announcements. Buses and Kiss and Ride begin unloading at 8:35 a.m., at which time students are allowed to enter the building. Students who arrive after 8:45 a.m. must have a parent or guardian check them in the main office. Afternoon announcements and dismissal changes are made at 3:25 p.m. Bus line up is announced at 3:25 p.m. along with the dismissal of Kiss and Ride, SAC, and Patrols.


Daily attendance is very important to academic and social growth. Retention is consideration for any student who misses 15 or more days of school consecutively and has not satisfactorily completed the assigned work. To report a student attendance issue, please contact the office at 703-753-1702 or Ms. Angulo at [email protected].

Early Dismissal

Any student departing school early must go through the front office for the purpose of completing information required on a sign-out sheet. If people other than the parent/guardian are signing the student out for early dismissal, they must be listed on the emergency care card.

Bus Passes

If for some reason a student needs to ride the bus to a different location or needs to ride a different bus, a bus pass is required. A note must be provided with the name, address and bus number of the drop off location. This information is needed for the bus driver. You can contact the office at 703-753-1702 or email Ms. Angulo at [email protected].

Kiss and Ride

Most elementary schools in Prince William County have established an area called the Kiss & Ride, which is designed as a safe place for adults in private vehicles to load and unload children. The Kiss & Ride is separate from the school bus area, which helps schools to avoid problems associated with cars passing buses, or cars parking in bus only zones and fire lanes. It also establishes a pedestrian traffic pattern to keep children safe.

If all drivers cooperate, we will be able to provide an efficient and safe transfer of children. To ensure safety for everyone, observe the following rules when loading or unloading children:

  • Pull forward to designated Kiss & Ride signs (coming soon) before loading or unloading.
  • Load and unload in the Kiss & Ride area only.
  • Keep "good-byes" brief.
  • Load and unload from the passenger side of the car only.
  • Remain in the driver's seat.
  • Do not pass other cars that are loading or unloading.
  • Do not park in the Kiss & Ride lane and leave car unattended.
  • Do not park in the parking lot or at the side of the street and call to children.
  • No cell phone use while in the Kiss & Ride lane.
  • Kiss & Ride time is 8:50-9 a.m. (do not leave your child unattended-after the 8:45 a.m. bell your child is tardy, please sign them in at the office)


We are continuing to increase our safety here at Glenkirk. If you have students that are in SEP, tutoring, or girl scouts, or any other after school activity, teachers must bring the children to the front doors to meet their parents. All doors will remain locked and parents are requested to wait outside for their students. Parents will no longer pick students up outside the classroom doors for extracurricular activities!